Receiving healing from light
Light Language holds an ancient wisdom that is direct and to the point. Step more fully into your New Earth Self as we clear what no longer serves you, and activate new Earth and Star Codes to awaken your greatest potential. Come with several topics or concerns that you would like to transform, and be prepared for change.
"Greetings from the love & Light of the Creator. Greetings from the Great Central Sun."
Those were the words that came out of my mouth the first time I tried channeling by speaking instead of writing. If I were to compare channeling to light language, channeling comes through as specific words, whereas light language comes through as a frequency that I interpret.
Both channeling and light language hold a high frequency. In channeling, the frequency is transmitted through my presence and the words. In a light language session, the frequency is the essence of the language itself that comes through, which I then translate as it activate your field.

Read Jane's "The Spiritual Seeker's Guide to Happiness"
One day as Jane was sitting in meditation she felt the presence of a group of Beings asking her to be their scribe. When she asked who they were they answered The Council of Nine. Being unfamiliar with that name, she said she would think about it and get back them. She wanted to be sure they were of a consciousness that was bringing love into the world. She discovered that love is what The Council of Nine is all about.