Jane Warren Campbell
In my heart of hearts, I’m all about love, and nature, and trees, and goodness.
I’m about the new world unfolding into a deeper reverence for all life.
I’m about caring for one another and the environment.
I’m about authenticity and the freedom to be real.
I’m about creativity and the wisdom that is innately human.
I’m about life-long learning and the grace of constantly dis-covering myself, and
I’m about the joy of sharing my discoveries with all who have the heart to listen.
My offerings are about all of that; coming together
to meet as the new world, where all of life is nurtured and respected.
My path to becoming the person I describe above evolved over many years, from a great surrendering out of the programmed self into my authentic self. I was pushed into that surrendering in 2012, when my life took a surprising course correct. I was 'released' from my job and then, six weeks later, found out that the condo I was renting was being sold and I had to move! Through a determined focus to see it all as an opportunity, I was led into what I loved.
In the early 2000s I had already begun toning and offering healing to the Earth and humanity every day. That evolved into the Light Language sessions that are now foundational to my work.
After being released from my job I started offering alternative therapies, writing several books, channeling, and developing a modality called the Freedom Release Technique, through which I served clients from around the world. This was also when I received the surprising invitation from 'Henrietta' to be a scribe for a tree! That led to my book, Conversations with a Tree. My life had completely turned around.
I also created and offered a workshop called Dis-cover Your Light. It was a participant of that workshop that suggested to me that it would be an excellent experience for couples. She became aware that much of what she had blamed her partner for was actually her past wounds and programming were being triggered by him, and it was hers to resolve.
Coming Home to Love workshops arose out of that awareness, and a deep under-standing that, as this world moves into unity consciousness, relationships must evolve out of old paradigms of need and loneliness into the joy of wholeness.
All of my offerings have arisen out of the creativity of my Soul. They are true and authentic to me ~ offered in love to you.