Each day includes an audio recording that is approximately 10 minutes long, (Light Language is fast, direct, and to the point) and a PDF Journal Prompter. Journaling will help you feel into the frequencies, aware of any shifts in your body, while exploring what you may like to add as an intention to awaken within yourself.
Cells respond to thought and the frequency of our environment. It is best to allow yourself time after listening to let the tones integrate into your body. You can also place your own intention on what you would like to receive from the particular Activation you are listening to. It is best to have this intention relative to the specific Empowerment Statement.
Here is an outline of the 7 Day Program:

Day 1
I am that I am
During this Light Language transmission, a spark of Light was activated in the 3rd eye. It takes you into a state of purity, where there is no human concept. What came through was that Joy will come from purity.
Day 2
I am creativity
Creativity is direct intelligence from Source. It is an awakening part of our new human existence. This activation clears interference from technology that distracts us from our more creative aspect. This Activation is about creating the new world. Use any time you are feeling stuck in your manifestations. At one point in bringing this through, the creativity in humanity became unstoppable, creating inventions in service to all.

Day 3
I am joy
I Am Joy is about preparing the physical vessel to receive Joy again. The Light Language in I Am Joy is bringing us into a state of preparation to receive Joy. Use this often, as it is clearing the path for the following Activations in this Series, where the Joy is fully activated in the last day.
Day 4
I am wisdom
With wisdom comes the role of being stewards of our own evolution and the Earth. This was a powerful transmission.
This Activation will awaken a new awareness within you, and a new way of being in the world. With wisdom comes responsibility. Are you ready?

Day 5
I am grace
​Use this Activation to release the deep wounding of the past and to soften in your ability to receive love. I Am Grace transmits the frequency of the purity of the Light of the Divine.
Day 6
I am love
It soon became clear, when bringing through this Activation, that there was much clearing to do to prepare us to be able to truly receive pure Love. Part 1 is basically uncovering the buried heart to make it safe to ‘be’ Love in this world once again.

Day 7
I am the light
From the pineal was created a huge, circular beam of Light. I saw people radiating with such glory that the Light drew many people to them. Those holding this Light were gifted with the Light of their own Divinity.