Blessings for a Soulful Home was created after attending a Home Clearing led by a first nations elder. There were a number of friends gathered to celebrate a new home. We went through every nook and cranny, every piece of furniture, to ensure that their new home and belongings were fresh and clean - from an etheric perspective - for their journey in a new location.
Feeling inspired, I created a home-clearing CD that no only cleared out old, unwanted energies, but was also capable of keeping the energy of the blessings growing in a way that the home owner/s would always remember the good wishes of their friends and family.
Knowing that sometimes when we are living in the same location, certain life events invite a fresh start energetically, I also added a short home clearing and blessing song (toning to clear old energies and add blessing frequencies) to the recording. This way, you can simply play the songs in a room, or throughout the home, to clear the air and elevate the frequencies you are living in.
Times when you may want to clear and bless your home are, naturally when you're moving into a new location. The energy of the previous owners does linger in a home and doing a clearing and blessing to bring your own energies into the home is important for a fresh start. Other times may be clearing your home before welcoming a new person, like a baby or partner, into your home. I always like to refresh the energy of my bedroom after a sickness. This is where the one room clearing (and blessing) song is helpful. Other times you may want to clear after an argument, or after having visitors for a while.
Clearing and blessing your home is the perfect way to keep your living space feeling like your home and enjoy it as a peaceful sanctuary.
Blessings for a Soulful Home includes instructions on doing a quick clearing or inviting family and friends for a complete home clearing and blessing. It includes toning tracks to easily elevate the frequency of your home through sound.
A powerful testament to the effectiveness of the home clearing and blessing songs came from a friend who bought the recording after building a new home. There were lots of people working on her dome home and she wanted to clear all the energy that was generated in the building process to have a fresh start. Much to my surprise and delight, she told me she could hear the home creaking as the clearing and blessing songs were played.
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