Nature CommunicationWisdom From A Tree - It is time to dream out of the matrix!We speak to the people now, the people who walk in love and service to the Earth and we tell you that the world is waiting for you to wake!
Light Language & ChannelingConnecting Consciousness Canada InterviewShe has been channeling the higher beings of light for over 20 years and was asked by the council of nine in 2012 to be their scribe.
Nature CommunicationSpeak! Good Human Webinar: Communicating with Trees & PlantsTalking with Josh Coen of Speak! Good Human, about Communicating with Trees and Plants.
Sep 10, 20181 min readInterview with One Love Rising: Channel of the Beings of LightAt the time she knew nothing about the Great Central Sun. She simply let the messages flow and knew they were coming from a source of Love
Feb 1, 20181 min readOne Love Rising Interview: Conversations with a TreeAfter a surprising invitation from a stately hemlock tree, Jane gathered its wisdom to share with the world.